miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) — Cornell researchers have created an autonomous flying robot that is as smart as a bird when it comes to maneuvering around obstacles.

Able to guide itself through forests, tunnels or damaged buildings, the machine could have tremendous value in search-and-rescue operations. Small flying machines are already common, and GPS technology provides guidance. Now, Ashutosh Saxena, assistant professor of computer science, and his team are tackling the hard part: how to keep the vehicle from slamming into walls and tree branches. Human controllers can't always react swiftly enough, and radio signals may not reach everywhere the robot goes.

Scientist, have created the future, they created a flying robot, that was able to avoid obstacles by their own. Now the human mind became powerful that it can be able to build something that many people believed that was imposible to do it, and one of the thing that the people believed that it was imposible to built, was a flying robot which is able avoid obstacles.

What am I interested about this articles? Human mind can do anything, there is many secrets that even the human itself don't know what they are capable to do with it. My sciense teacher told me that, when he was a little, he didn't expected that people can make an I pad (for example) a computer or a movile phone. But now, you can see many people with their I phone, black berry, etc. What else can people make from now on?

What is my connection with this article? Simple, and not only with me, but with 8 billions of people that habits on this planet. Technology had become an important role in our lives. specially with those types of machines, that either is useful for spy, or to have fun with children and for the person self.

Area of interaction:  Human ingenuity, in this area of interaction, involves with technologies, inventions, and what the mind is capable to do.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

White Shark Diets Show Surprising Variability, Vary With Age and Among Individuals

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) — Many white sharks shift from fish to marine mammals as they mature, but individual sharks show surprising variability in dietary preferences.
White sharks, the largest predatory sharks in the ocean, are thought of as apex predators that feed primarily on seals and sea lions. But a new study by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, shows surprising variability in the dietary preferences of individual sharks.
New studies had been discovered about the sharks diets. The diets of the sharks would depends at the age of the animal, the location, and the variability of the prey. Scientist thought that, the only diet of the white shark consisted in seals and sea lions. 

Why am I interested about this article? Simple, I always wanted to study marine biology and also I was interesting about the white sharks and his environments since I was 6 years old. And, now I get so amazed when I knew something that changed in the science and history of animals. I also knew that the animals, dont have a specific diets. And reading this article, I know, that there is many thing that humans dont know about the animals.

So, what is my connection between me and this article? As I said in the past paragraph, I was always interested about animals, specially with white sharks. And now, I can conclude, that we (human being), we have a lot to learn and study, and we cannot be sure about something before we dont, deeply study. 

Area of interaction: Environment, since we are talking about sharks and its diets, the way that sharks lives it can be included in this area of interaction as well. 

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