miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Studying Meteorites May Reveal Mars' Secrets of Life

April 30, 2013 — In an effort to determine if conditions were ever right on Mars to sustain life, a team of scientists, including a Michigan State University professor, has examined a meteorite that formed on the Red Planet more than a billion years ago.

And although this team's work is not specifically solving the mystery, it is laying the groundwork for future researchers to answer this age-old question.

The problem, said MSU geological sciences professor Michael Velbel, is that most meteorites that originated on Mars arrived on Earth so long ago that now they have characteristics that tell of their life on Earth, obscuring any clues it might offer about their time on Mars.
"These meteorites contain water-related mineral and chemical signatures that can signify habitable conditions," he said. "The trouble is by the time most of these meteorites have been lying around on Earth they pick up signatures that look just like habitable environments, because they are. Earth, obviously, is habitable."
So a good news happens, and is that scientist are almost asking the question of most of the people ask: "Can we live in Mars?"
Scientist and teacher form universities are making a research about possible lifes from mars by examinatind the meteorites that were landed on the red planet or mars. They stated that meteorites produces mineral and quemical molecules to make water or any other lifes that is the main things in order to humans and animals survive or live.
Why am I interested in this article? well, first at all, this article shows us that everything is possible if you dedicate all your life, with effort, to do what you want to do. this is an example that everything is possible, for many years, scientist and people stated that there's no proves if we can or not live in mars that it was impossible, now, today, that statement was a lie. now we can know if there is life in mars or if we can live in the red planet.
What is my connection with this article?  not only involve with me, but also involves with other individuals, this is a valueble lesson, Don't give up. Now, many people gives up with everything just because they feel that there's no answer or impossible to solve, including me. But with this article, I learned that with hope and effort, everything is possible, even if you think that it is hard to solve!
Area of interaction: Environment: This articles talk about planets, molecules, meteorites and sustainable lives.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Whale sharks use geometry to avoid shrinking

Jan. 31, 2013 — They are the largest fish species in the ocean, but the majestic gliding motion of the whale shark is, scientists argue, an astonishing feat of mathematics and energy conservation. In new research published November 25 in the British Ecological Society's journal Functional Ecologymarine scientists reveal how these massive sharks use geometry to enhance their natural negative buoyancy and stay afloat.

most animals movement is crucial for survival, both for finding food and for evading predators. However, movement costs substantial amounts of energy and while this is true of land based animals it is even more complex for birds and marine animals which travel in three dimensions.
For the past four years, Adrian Gleiss and Rory Wilson, from Swansea University, worked with Brad Norman from ECOcean Inc. to lead an international team to investigate the movements of whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, at Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia. They attached animal-borne motion sensors, accelerometers, to the free-swimming whale sharks to measure their swimming activity and vertical movement, which allowed them to quantify the energetic cost of vertical movement.

The team's data revealed that whale sharks are able to glide without investing energy into movement when descending, but they had to beat their tails when they ascended. This occurs because sharks, unlike many fish, have negative buoyancy.

Why I am interested for this article?
I wanted to be a marine biologist since I was 6 years old. And for now is one of the choices that I want to study when I get to collegue. Also is one of my favorites fish species, one of the biggest and most beautiful fishes in the world of the seas. See one of this sharks swiming is one of my dreams.

What is my contribution between this article and my life?

As I said, marine biology is one of my choices to study in the future in collegues and one day I will interact with these types of species.

Area of interaction: Environment, the animal, how they interact with their environment and how they moves, or in short word its anatomies, is considered part of the environment, natural environment 
