domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Body Language, Not Facial Expressions, Broadcasts What's Happening to Us

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) — If you think that you can judge by examining someone's facial expressions if he has just hit the jackpot in the lottery or lost everything in the stock market -- think again. Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at New York University and Princeton University have discovered that -- despite what leading theoretical models and conventional wisdom might indicate -- it just doesn't work that way.

Rather, they found that body language provides a better cue in trying to judge whether an observed subject has undergone strong positive or negative experiences.
In a study published this week in the journal Science, the researchers present data showing that viewers in test groups were baffled when shown photographs of people who were undergoing real-life, highly intense positive and negative experiences. When the viewers were asked to judge the emotional valences of the faces they were shown (that is, the positivity or negativity of the faces), their guesses fell within the realm of chance.

 studies is made by scientist from colleges and universities. people can guess what is happening to the people, even thought without that people telling them what happened to him. This is called bady languages, and is known as a body code or expression that a human can understand what the other people are trying to express by not using any types of words. 

Why am I interested about this article? Body language can be related as an psychology subject. Human mind can transmit messege whichever as if you were talking, or just as an action. Psychologist and biologist are trying to find why this messeges can vary depending on the mood and the person. And my dream is to be a psychologist, and I want to involve in this type of investigation.

What is my connection my life have with this article? As I said, I want to be a psychologist, and I will going to study the mind and their languages. And also my mom studied literature and science of languages and it is interesting how human can easily know what happening to you with looking your actitude and the shape of your face. 

My area of interaction: Health an social education.This area deals with an emotional, and mind health, and also intelligence, in order to reach the perfection, and to understand more about the language of the human mind and body as well.

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